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Maribor Adult Education Centre is a public institution established by the Maribor Municipality in 1922. Since then we have provided educational programmes, either formal or non-formal, mostly for adults and responded to their needs and market trends or demands.

In elementary school for adults we provide opportunity for adults of different life stories and nationalities to complete their elementary education which is obligatory in Slovenia. They can continue their educational path in our vocational and other secondary level formal educationprograms and on higher educational level with MAED being a study center for a couple of higher education institutions.

We have collaborated with Ministries of Education, Labour and Internal affairs by providing them with formal and tailor-made informal programmes for unemployed, low educated, older, long-term unemployed and vulnerable or disadvantaged persons. Project Learning for Young Adults is an example of an extensive non-formal programme for early school leavers we have been implementing since 2001.

We are certified by Goethe Institute as their partner in providing publically recognised language exams for adults. Our offer contains courses of other foreign languages, various ICT courses and courses organised within University of the 3rd Age.

People can come to our institution with numerous questions regarding their education, work or life interests. For many years we have been guidance and counselling centre offering comprehensive information and guidance service.

Our history of collaborating in European projects also reaches quite back to the Socrates programme and continues through Life-long Learning programme and now to Erasmus+.

Izbrano za vas

Na Andragoškem zavodu Maribor – Ljudski univerzi nudimo raznovrstno izobraževalno ponudbo prilagojeno različnim ciljnim skupinam. Tu lahko na enem mestu najdete vse vsebine, ki so namenjene posebej vam.